Thursday, September 24, 2009

Finding Out & Telling the New Daddy

I was on the senior retreat with my students, figuring my "friend" would meet me there. (She was supposed to show up Sunday, and we were gone from Wednesday through Thursday.) Thursday while I was there, I decided to talk to one of my co-workers who had a baby recently to find out how she found out she was pregnant. She was tracking, as I have been, and so knew her cycle pretty well. She said when she didn't start her new cycle on the day she was supposed to, she took a pregnancy test, and it was positive.

In my tracking, I have found that I do not have a very consistent lutel phase (which is always supposed to be exactly the same for a woman). That has made it difficult to figure out if I have missed my period or if I have a longer lutel phase this month. Four days after I was supposed to start a new cycle, I was on my way home from the retreat, and decided to stop by the store and pick up a pregnancy test (even though at this point, I was 99% positive I was pregnant) and something gender-neutral that said "I love Daddy" on it, as a way to tell Adam.

My plan was to get up in the morning after he left for work, take the test, then put the bib and the positive pregnancy test on his sink. But on my way home, I got a phone call asking if he could leave for hunting that night. I told him we'd talk about it when I got home. Well, I thought, that kinda spoils my plan, but then I thought I could just take it over the weekend and have the surprise waiting for him when he got home.

When I got home, he asked me about my "friend" and if she showed up. I wouldn't give him a direct answer, I just smiled and would ask what he thought. He was pretty sure that my "friend" was still hanging out with me. So we moved on to talking about him going hunting, and I was reluctant to say yes, as I wanted him around. I wanted to be able to talk to him about our new adventure. I just wanted him there. He really wanted to go, since it was the first time his nephew would get to hunt, and as I didn't have a good reason for him to stay, I said he could go. Then I thought, well, maybe if he knows that we're pregnant, he'll want to stay home with me. So while he was starting to pack and put things together, I set the "I love Daddy" bib on top of his pants on the bed. I hadn't taken the test, so I couldn't show him any proof just yet.

When he walked back into the room he saw it and in a shocked voice with a nervous smile on his face, asked what it was and why I put it there. I asked him why I would put it there, and he said, "But you said that you got it!" I reminded him that I didn't say anything, but rather he said I did. He asked if I had gotten a positive test, and I told him I hadn't, and I didn't have to pee. So he didn't entirely believe me yet. So he kept packing and ran to the store for some last minute items for the trip.

After he got back, we had dinner (which he made!... frozen pizza of course...), and a short while later I had to pee. So I took the test and we counted down the 3 minutes. While we waited, I informed Adam that he probably had much better aim that I did, so he should take the next one. After 3 minutes, I was 100% sure we were pregnant, and Adam believed me. Of course he still went hunting though... but told me he would be with me the rest of the pregnancy... except when he goes deer hunting in November.