Friday, August 28, 2009

Accuracy of the Magical Stick

The magical stick kind of lied to us. It said that I wasn't pregnant (which was true), but we figured that meant that my "friend" would be coming along on our camping trip. She didn't. Which made us wonder all weekend... was the stick lying? I know I've read that often these tests can't detect the pregnancy hormone until you are 5 weeks pregnant (one week after your missed period, which of course by then you're already pretty sure... or you're thinking that something is wrong with you). So all weekend we weren't sure if we were waiting my "friend" to show up, or if we were expecting.

Throughout many of our "nothing yet" conversations over the weekend, Adam began to realize that he really wasn't ready to have a baby, and I was beginning to realize that I wasn't ready to share Adam's attention with someone else quite yet (only three months of marriage isn't enough for me!).

We got back from camping on Sunday, and we decided that if it was still "nothing yet" that I would take another pregnancy test on Wednesday. But my "friend" showed up on Monday. I was slightly relieved, but slightly disappointed too.

Since we're really not sure what we want, we decided to wait at least for the next three months. (Counting out the nine months, we found that the baby would be born in the summer. Ideally, we would like him/her to be born in April or May so that we can maximize the length of time that we're home with the baby before he/she needs to be in daycare.) Of course I figure, now that we're not trying to conceive, we'll get pregnant. We shall see what happens.

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