Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Coping with Labor" - Our First Class

We had our first childbirth preparation class today at Abbott Northwestern. I was very excited, as it means that we're getting closer to having our baby! Adam wasn't so excited, because he didn't know what to expect.

I learned lots of different breathing techniques and positions to labor in. We were found out that you are supposed to change positions every thirty minutes and empty your bladder every hour. Adam was told (I'm not quite sure he learned...) how to support me in labor.

When it came time to set up our "nest" (as they called it) on the floor, we set our pillows & blanket down on the floor to "save" our spot. But we went over to Katy (one of the educators, Cindy was the other), to ask a question about the location of the birthing center (where I will be) and the NICU (where baby will be) and where her heart surgery will be done. When we turned around our spot had become overrun by other people's "nests" so we moved to the back.

Once we were all settled into our "nest" they showed us different techniques to try and clips of a video called "Kristina's Story." Adam kept making comments & making me giggle. Katy was standing in the back while Cindy was presenting some material, and smiled at us and called us the trouble makers in the back.

At one point they gave us ice cubes to hold in our hands as "labor pains" and to practice breathing through it, while our support person supported us. There was an extra ice cube that we ended up with, so instead of supporting me through the pain of holding ice cubes, Adam thought it would be a much better idea to take the other ice cube and try to stick it down my shirt, and flick the cold melted water at me. Of course I'm trying to practice breathing though the "pain," but trying not to laugh while he is screwing around and picking on me. Then they said it was our support person's turn. Adam had to hold the ice cubes, while I was being supportive. I, the much nicer one, rubbed his back and told him how much I hated him for being mean to me. And when it was all over, he threw the ice cube down my shirt. And that was pretty much the end of class.

I learned what a sweet husband I have. I only hope he makes it through labor and delivery alive so our daughter can meet him! :)

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